What is this all about?

Executive summary:
Prasi is an authentication framework with full user data management for Perl or PHP web applications. Enabled services can save and share user profile data and can be on different servers. Available in 10 languages, compatible with OpenID.

Prasi was originally written as an in-house tool to power our internal-use web applications. Due to one of the tools now being publically released (Wefis) it was decided to make Prasi an open-source project, despite its similarity to other existing open-source projects.

Prasi can be used on two levels. Firstly, it enables all CGI (Perl or PHP) scripts residing on any server to perform user management without the hassle of user management. One perl procedure call, and the browsing user is identified or challenged. The exact behaviour is easily customisable.

On the second level, Prasi is also able to keep track of user data (for example, profiles) and seamlessly share that profile information with other Prasi-enabled scripts. Using Prasi in this way gives scripts the power of mySQL and other types of databases without needing to manage the data themselves. It's quite nearly magic.

For the end user, one login, one password - all Prasi-enabled scripts instantly know who the user is and customise content accordingly.

We aim to provide full disclosure about what the program does and how it does it. Further details are here.

A stable, feature-complete version is now available for download. It's completely free, but if you find it useful then please do donate...

Of interest to developers considering integrating their scripts with Prasi: Read the Perl API or the PHP API.

Credits -- huge thanks to all those involved!

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